Friday, 29 July 2011

A Different Post To What I Originally Intended

So I was going to spend a small part of my Friday afternoon babbling about CLOUD CONTROL, as the second band I'm excited to see at Field Day next week.

But then I noticed NATALIE McCOOL has uploaded her latest video for the brilliant 'Your Hero', which features on her latest Black Sun EP, which is rightly being endorsed by a great many people, most recently BBC 6Music DJ Chris Hawkins.

It's a beautiful, melancholic, stripped down song about a stalker she had not long ago. Eerie and haunting, with lovely subtle time-changes underpinning her frankly beautiful voice.

Watch it now. NOW. And then go and see her perform at RONNIE SCOTT'S next Tuesday night.

And then see her at my next MK-47 showcase! :D

Food Related Artist Of The Day



At last, the weekend is (almost) here! I've got a few hours to wait until the weekly pub lunch, and in effect the end of the working week, which can't come soon enough since someone spiked my j2o last night while I was out being a good citizen. To tide me over (and you, by proxy), here is my song for Friday!

This week, I've chosen the NEW single from THE RAPTURE. I capitalise the NEW because it's the first thing they've released in about 6 years. This week, they announced an autumn/winter UK tour, which I am chuffed about!

This whole revival of bands releasing new albums after many years away is a great thing in my opinion. We've already had RIVAL SCHOOLS and TOM VEK coming back with excellent records, and I'm very optomistic that this Rapture record will be a belter.

All we need now is MY VITRIOL to release that album they've been planning to release forever. Come on lads, pull your socks up.

I'm waffling now, so here's the video!

Last point, I think it's James Murphy in this video. Frankly, if the reason he ended LCD SOUNDSYSTEM was to concentrate on bringing bands like The Rapture back to the masses, then fair enough.

Thursday, 28 July 2011

Food Related Artist Of The Day


A Moment Of Self Indulgence...

...if you don't mind. I finally got round to uploading my band of yesteryear's album (in no particular track order) onto Soundcloud. It shows how old it's become as when it was uploaded initially, it was still cool to put things on MySpace. Ahem...

So here is MK, by The Concept:MK, for your streaming and FREE downloading pleasure. If you like prog-rock-ravetronica based on Milton Keynes, then this is the album for you.

Here it comes, the next MK-47 SHOWCASE!

I am chuffed to announce the line-up for the next MK-47 band showcase!

Put that note in your diaries, for TUESDAY AUGUST 16th, as this is an excellent collection of new, exciting artists definitely worth catching! Opening is the experimental, electronic soul artist MWEN, followed by the new dream-pop-folktronica trio SOLAR STATE, before the sensational experimental pop singer/songwriter NATALIE McCOOL blows us away, with the fantastic orchestral trip-hop seven-piece POLAROID 85 headlining!

More information can be found HERE and HERE, and I'll be sure to blog more about each artist in the run up to the show. TELL YOUR FRIENDS, and GET INVOLVED!

As a taste of what the night entails, here's the video NATALIE McCOOL's latest single, BLACK SUN:

Wednesday, 27 July 2011

Food Related Artist Of The Day



And so it begins. I'm very excited about going to my first FIELD DAY festival, taking place on Saturday week. Particularly as the line-up is really exciting this year, with a lot of great emerging acts getting involved!

So who am I looking forward to? Let's start with WARPAINT, the all-girl atmospheric ambient-rock quartet that people have been talking about for a while now. The guardian aptly describe them as "possessing all the qualities of The XX, the spacious minimalism, the muted nocturnal atmosphere - adding a warmth and sensuality that might be the result of their hailing from Los Angeles rather than West London." I'm loving that sparse-moody sound that a few people are making at the moment, in a similar vein to Interpol's Turn On The Bright Lights, amongst others. The aforementioned XX (their full name) also do this very well, as does Lykke Li in her latest offering, Wounded Rhymes. Moments of album The Fool almost make me think of a more haunting Stone Roses...

And that voice...beautiful!

I tried to catch these guys at Great Escape in May, but the venue was too rammed. Then I tried to see them at Glasto, but they clashed, TWICE (first with BB King, second with Tinie Tempah - I regret nothing)!

I WILL see them at Field Day. And they will be brilliant!

Tuesday, 26 July 2011

Food Related Artist Of The Day



Atmospheric/synth-pop/indie eastenders WAYLAYERS are playing a free headline show tonight at Cafe 1001 on Brick Lane.

To me, they sound a bit like the better parts of Coldplay's 'Living La Vida Loca' album, amongst other pleasant things (perhaps the moody synths could be compared to Depeche Mode as well). Very well crafted tunes with some bite to them live. Go check them out.

Hear No Lies (above) is released on August 1st.


Last night I went to the Camden Barfly to see Wolf Gang, the day they released their debut album, Suego Faults.

I wanted to see them so they could prove me wrong, as several friends of mine at work swear they are amazing. I, however, had only seen them once before, at the Great Escape festival in Brighton back in May, and I wasn't really fussed. A decent indie/synth band with some very good moments, but few clear-cut very good songs. Indeed, the highlight of that show were the excellent math/pop/synth-rock outfit POST WAR YEARS supporting, who were showcasing new material from their up-coming second album (which, on the basis of that show, will be briliant)!

(Note - Turn this up, it's a bit quiet)

The same thing happened last night. Wolf Gang were perfectly reasonable, a very decent band, with some catchy pop hooks and some nice moments. But frankly, I preferred their support band again, this time FOREIGN OFFICE. Maybe it was just because the singer looked like he could sneak onto a Talking Heads album cover without being noticed, and the guitarist might have fallen off the back of The Rapture's truck, but they definitely sounded like both to me. Good, punchy, funky, indie-disco of sorts!

So all in all, I may well go see Wolf Gang again. But probably just to see who's supporting.

Sidenote - Annoyingly, Post War Years currently have no gigging plans, and their single/album plans are currently a very well kept secret. Likewise, Foreign Office have two gigs planned, one in Norwich on September 3rd, and at The Macbeth in London on September 24th...

Monday, 25 July 2011

Food Related Artist Of The Day



When I was at Liverpool Sound City festival back in May, I went to the Saturday afternoon's Aussie BBQ, showcasing the best in new Australian artists. All the talk in the run up to the event was for The Jezabels, a very exciting, haunting/atmospheric-indie 4-piece from Sydney (more about them in another post soon), but while waiting for them I found myself watching three scruffy, teenaged-looking guys with synths called SEEKAE.

Well, they blew me away with their trance-inducing chill-out electronica. Their set was one long passage of smooth depths, with a constant, but very subtle, bass groove underpinning the layers of synths melting into each other. They hardly spoke between songs, the three of them almost constantly leaning over their synths, gently nodding in unison, entranced themselves it seemed.

They basically sounded to me like Four Tet. Having a really satisfying yawn.

So I got their album 'The Sound Of Trees Falling On People', and it's been one of my most listened to albums since then. I find it particularly pleasant to zone out to when, like this afternoon, I have a lot of simple data-entry-type work on. Also good for monging out on longer journeys.

So now listen to these videos, then more of their stuff, and have a good mong out.

Friday, 22 July 2011

Food Related Artist Of The Day



Here's my feel-good Friday video, as it's Friday, and I'll be off to the pub soon.

WE HAVE BAND - Oh! Britain's The Rapture (without horns). :D

Wednesday, 20 July 2011

Food Related Artist Of The Day



This morning I walked into the office to hear my manager playing Spin Magazine's Nirvana Nevermind tribute album, which they're giving away through their Facebook page to celebrate the 20 year anniversary of the seminal album.

Specifically, I walked in to hear the wonderful JESSICA LEA MAYFIELD's version of Lounge Act. Funny, because listening to her two previous albums, and in particular her most recent release Tell Me, I had thought her dark, minimalist country/rock songs could have been very well interpreted for a grunge band (and so it seems, vice-versa).

So first, listen to it, as it's great:

Second, GO DOWNLOAD THE ALBUM, also featuring Foxy Shazam, Meat Puppets, Amanda Palmer, The Vaselines and Midnight Juggernaut amongst others. It's only available until July 25th, and you do have to Like their page to get it, but I reckon it's a small price.

Third, go buy Jessica Lea Mayfield's TELL ME, as it's brilliant. Then buy her first album, WITH BLASPHEMY SO HEARTFELT.

Tuesday, 19 July 2011

Food Related Artist Of The Day

PJ CARVERY - 'Let England Bake'

The Mercury Nominations

Loads of people have loads of opinions (many of which are boring and overstated) about who should and shouldn't have been included in a shortlist such as that for the Mercury Prize... are mine (I'll keep them brief)!

First, I'm chuffed that METRONOMY were nominated. I've been following these guys since drunkenly stumbling into them on a rooftop in Texas at 2007's SXSW festival, and they've come a long way since then to make a really mature record with the variety and character to sum them up as a Great British Pop band.

I could ramble on, but i won't, so here's my favourite track from The English Riviera (which almost reminds me of the self-titled The Good, The Bad and The Queen album closer), Some Written.

Second, while well established as great British artists (which some argue is a reason for them not to be nominated), I'm pleased to see ELBOW and PJ HARVEY in the mix. Both have 2 of the best albums out from the last 12 months, and in particular Elbow deserve a nomination, if only because their opening track 'The Birds' is one of the best tracks they've ever written.

Third, a simple one. I have tried to listen to JAMES BLAKE's self-titled album a few times, and I can't finish it. I just think it sounds rubbish.

Fourth, I think it's a shame (though not surprising) that THREE TRAPPED TIGERS' excellent debut, Route One Or Die, a mental instrumental prog/math/rock record that sounds like no other, didn't get nominated. Likewise, AND SO I WATCH YOU FROM AFAR probably deserved a nomination for their debut 'Gangs', a balls-out cacophony of instrumental raucous rock.

And finally, it's also a shame that THE HORRORS latest album, 'Skying' didn't get a nomination, as it's also excellent. Though I wonder if it was released after the deadline, as it's only a very new release...

Monday, 18 July 2011

Food Related Artist Of The Day



I am very pleased to announce that the excellent POLAROID 85 will be playing at my next MK-47 showcase at The Macbeth, on Tuesday 16th August.

POLAROID 85 are a London based 7 piece collective consisting of vocals, pianos, drums, bass, cello, violin, clarinet and samples/synths/live electronics. Their music fuses down-tempo / electronica with classical, folk, jazz and world rhythms with influences of drum and bass, dupstep and broken beat.

Listening to their Fuzzy Mornings EP (available to download FREE from the link below), I find their sound reminding me of some combination of Portishead, The Cinematic Orchestra and Mouse On The Keys (an excellent Japanese jazz/post-rock outfit). They would certainly fit comfortably on the Ninja Tune roster.

Go check them out for yourself!


Saturday, 16 July 2011

Food Related Artist Of The Day

FLANIMAL COLLECTIVE (specifically the song 'Graze' from Fall Be Kind).

(Great work Sarah, @mynameinfont ;) ).

Friday, 15 July 2011

Food Related Artist Of The Day


Hidden Gems!

Last night I found myself sifting through Interpol's back catalogue and downloading the random tracks I hadn't already collected, and I stumbled upon this track from their 2000 Interpol EP...

I love it, and it might end up being one of my favourites, and I'm almost surprised it didn't end up on their debut album Turn On The Bright Lights (their best album to date in my opinion).

That reminded me of finding out about Doves' B-Sides album from 2000, Lost Sides, a few months ago. Again, there were some gems in there that could have been the best tracks of their best/debut album, Lost Souls, that was released around the same time. Darker is the best of the bunch, a real dark and heavy number that found it's way onto the first series of 24. Which is nice.

Always remember to check the back-catalogue!

Thursday, 14 July 2011

Food Related Artist Of The Day


Split Records Party Tonight!

Tonight is the second Split Records Party at The Macbeth, featuring two of my favourite London bands, TALKING PICTURES and FLASH FIKTION. It's FREE.

FLASH FIKTION have been called "a punkier, heavier Klaxons". They sound to me like some delicious combination of 'Much Against Everyone's Advice'-era Soulwax and Simian (before they parted ways to become SMD and, well, the occasional guest vocalist for SMD...). They're releasing their third single, Me & Mr. E (above) on July 17th, with their debut album coming out next month!

TALKING PICTURES are another one I'm very excited about. The synth laden sleaze-pop trio are full of infectious hooks and hip-shaking beats that are bound to make you jealous as your missus stares lovingly on...

They're both on tonight. Along with Voluntary Butler Scheme DJ-ing. At The Macbeth. For FREE. Get involved.

Wednesday, 13 July 2011

Return of the FRAOTD.

Since I'm giving this new blog another go, I suppose I should try re-launch a classic Facebook wall...thing:


Start with an obvious one: BEANS OF THE STONEAGE.

Now I'm trying to get involved on Twitter as well, I should probably try to get #foodrelatedartistoftheday to trend.

It probably won't.

Natalie McCool's on!

I'll start this new blog with a brief plug of my good friend Natalie McCool (video for her superb latest single, Black Sun, above). Turns out she's playing a solo show at the Cat and Mutton tonight. It's going to be excellent!