Monday, 25 July 2011


When I was at Liverpool Sound City festival back in May, I went to the Saturday afternoon's Aussie BBQ, showcasing the best in new Australian artists. All the talk in the run up to the event was for The Jezabels, a very exciting, haunting/atmospheric-indie 4-piece from Sydney (more about them in another post soon), but while waiting for them I found myself watching three scruffy, teenaged-looking guys with synths called SEEKAE.

Well, they blew me away with their trance-inducing chill-out electronica. Their set was one long passage of smooth depths, with a constant, but very subtle, bass groove underpinning the layers of synths melting into each other. They hardly spoke between songs, the three of them almost constantly leaning over their synths, gently nodding in unison, entranced themselves it seemed.

They basically sounded to me like Four Tet. Having a really satisfying yawn.

So I got their album 'The Sound Of Trees Falling On People', and it's been one of my most listened to albums since then. I find it particularly pleasant to zone out to when, like this afternoon, I have a lot of simple data-entry-type work on. Also good for monging out on longer journeys.

So now listen to these videos, then more of their stuff, and have a good mong out.

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