Friday, 29 July 2011

A Different Post To What I Originally Intended

So I was going to spend a small part of my Friday afternoon babbling about CLOUD CONTROL, as the second band I'm excited to see at Field Day next week.

But then I noticed NATALIE McCOOL has uploaded her latest video for the brilliant 'Your Hero', which features on her latest Black Sun EP, which is rightly being endorsed by a great many people, most recently BBC 6Music DJ Chris Hawkins.

It's a beautiful, melancholic, stripped down song about a stalker she had not long ago. Eerie and haunting, with lovely subtle time-changes underpinning her frankly beautiful voice.

Watch it now. NOW. And then go and see her perform at RONNIE SCOTT'S next Tuesday night.

And then see her at my next MK-47 showcase! :D

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