Friday, 15 July 2011

Hidden Gems!

Last night I found myself sifting through Interpol's back catalogue and downloading the random tracks I hadn't already collected, and I stumbled upon this track from their 2000 Interpol EP...

I love it, and it might end up being one of my favourites, and I'm almost surprised it didn't end up on their debut album Turn On The Bright Lights (their best album to date in my opinion).

That reminded me of finding out about Doves' B-Sides album from 2000, Lost Sides, a few months ago. Again, there were some gems in there that could have been the best tracks of their best/debut album, Lost Souls, that was released around the same time. Darker is the best of the bunch, a real dark and heavy number that found it's way onto the first series of 24. Which is nice.

Always remember to check the back-catalogue!

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