Wednesday, 27 July 2011


And so it begins. I'm very excited about going to my first FIELD DAY festival, taking place on Saturday week. Particularly as the line-up is really exciting this year, with a lot of great emerging acts getting involved!

So who am I looking forward to? Let's start with WARPAINT, the all-girl atmospheric ambient-rock quartet that people have been talking about for a while now. The guardian aptly describe them as "possessing all the qualities of The XX, the spacious minimalism, the muted nocturnal atmosphere - adding a warmth and sensuality that might be the result of their hailing from Los Angeles rather than West London." I'm loving that sparse-moody sound that a few people are making at the moment, in a similar vein to Interpol's Turn On The Bright Lights, amongst others. The aforementioned XX (their full name) also do this very well, as does Lykke Li in her latest offering, Wounded Rhymes. Moments of album The Fool almost make me think of a more haunting Stone Roses...

And that voice...beautiful!

I tried to catch these guys at Great Escape in May, but the venue was too rammed. Then I tried to see them at Glasto, but they clashed, TWICE (first with BB King, second with Tinie Tempah - I regret nothing)!

I WILL see them at Field Day. And they will be brilliant!

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