Friday, 29 July 2011


At last, the weekend is (almost) here! I've got a few hours to wait until the weekly pub lunch, and in effect the end of the working week, which can't come soon enough since someone spiked my j2o last night while I was out being a good citizen. To tide me over (and you, by proxy), here is my song for Friday!

This week, I've chosen the NEW single from THE RAPTURE. I capitalise the NEW because it's the first thing they've released in about 6 years. This week, they announced an autumn/winter UK tour, which I am chuffed about!

This whole revival of bands releasing new albums after many years away is a great thing in my opinion. We've already had RIVAL SCHOOLS and TOM VEK coming back with excellent records, and I'm very optomistic that this Rapture record will be a belter.

All we need now is MY VITRIOL to release that album they've been planning to release forever. Come on lads, pull your socks up.

I'm waffling now, so here's the video!

Last point, I think it's James Murphy in this video. Frankly, if the reason he ended LCD SOUNDSYSTEM was to concentrate on bringing bands like The Rapture back to the masses, then fair enough.

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